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AR Portal

An AR Portal is a doorway into virtual worlds placed into the user’s real world environment. It gives the experience of providing a portal to enter a digital space without the need of VR glasses.


An AR Portal is a doorway into virtual worlds placed into the user’s real world environment. It gives the experience of providing a portal to enter a digital space without the need of VR glasses.

As opposed to AR filters, which mix virtual elements into a person’s world, AR portals place the person in a completely virtual world. It has the feel of stepping into and being immersed into another dimension. 

This computer generated environment also has the benefit of being interactive. Participants are invited to walk around this “place” to explore various rooms or areas designed into the experience.

The experience begins by the user holding up their phone to find the portal itself. This can take the form of a window, doorway, or anything the designer imagines to welcome the guest. This portal stays in place in the real world environment so the user can approach it and make the choice to enter it.

Once through, the environment changes to completely virtual, essentially taking the person out of their house or store aisle and into this new digital world. This place can look pretty realistic, like a national park, or be entirely fantastical, like Santa’s Village.

Given that the world is entirely virtual, there are plentiful opportunities to layer in interactive elements. The more there is to do, the more time the customer spends in the experience. Also, infusing creativity increases the likelihood of the user sharing it with others. 

A portal back into the real world is usually provided in case the user would like the experience of reentering their real world.

By AR.rocks