ave you ever seen a chair float across the living room? Placed an imaginary carpet on your floor? Seen your entire dream room through the screen of a tablet or phone?

Now through the new and innovative AR technology, a whole room can be imagined into existence without moving a single piece of furniture. Through AR, an object can be projected onto screen via a camera or video, giving a live demonstration of what the furniture looks like and how it fits in a room.

New AR technology allows for a ‘virtual catalogue’ for shoppers to buy and sell furniture with businesses such as: Ikea, Wayfair and Houzz, who already are all investing into the AR industry and the impact has already begun to make changes in the retail industry. 

the furniture industry and augmented reality

The experience enables for a more confident shopping experience with people feeling more comfortable and relaxed shopping online from the comfort of their own home and adds a more sophisticated feel by giving a full 3D rendered experience.

Once furniture items are digitalized, a configuration is made within seconds to the customers. ‘As exciting as furniture shopping can be, it can also be time consuming’. The use of AR in furniture has countless new possibilities. 

When shopping traditionally in a store, customers have to make many quick decisions in the moment which can affect future moods. Does the rug fit in the living room? Will the colour fit the walls? Offering an AR experience to your customers allows for these questions to be easily answered in one click.

Living room

As AR is growing in popularity, businesses are beginning to see lower return rates, saving money when AR has been used to make the purchase, as more definite purchases have been made. 

As well as reduced returns rates, data acquired through the likes of Ikea and Wayfair, make it possible to reach customers again through remarketing. This strategy is enhancing the world of retail and product sales, after the first use of AR on furniture websites. 


Apple and Google have invested heavily in development of AR. Apple ARkit and Google ARcore engines allow to position 3D models in a space. Simply direct a phone or tablet at the floor and choose a piece of furniture to place. A 3D model is then placed in that position where it can be moved or turned to find an optimal position as well as the ability to change colours and patterns and get a closer look from every angle.

As furniture sales take on a new technological level, the appearance of AR begins to rise. From Ikea and Wayfair, AR has begun to have a permanent mark on the online world, allowing for an easier shopping experience and a more comfortable way to visualise the perfect room.

Jul 12, 2020
AR Experiences

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